- 8.1.3. Company & System Settings Products & Services - Company Settings
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The Products & Services tab allows you to define your dealerships default set of products and services. Products and services are used to categorize your proposal line items. Define a product or service for each type of product and/or service that you provide to your customers. You do not define products available from the vendors that you represent here. Vendor products are defined in the Vendor database under the Products tab.
Examples of Products are General Furniture Sales and New product and Used Product. Example of Services are Installation and Project Management and Design. DealerChoice uses these products and services to combine accounting and tax information in the database, so when they are used on a proposal a sales rep or customer service rep does not have to know any of the accounting or tax details regarding each proposal line item. Since the products are defined here, the income and expense accounts have already been determined as well as where you must collect sales tax for the sale of this product or service.
Products and Services are typically identified by the Catalog Codes that are used in electronic specification catalogs for that product line. You do not have to enter a catalog code to define a product or service here. Entering products allows you to specify the characteristics of how that product is handled in DealerChoice. The taxable information for each Product is stored here as well as the income and expense account for tracking dollars associated with each Product.
The Product and Services can also be defined for Vendors on the Products tab in the Vendor database. Products and Services defined in the Vendor database are specific to that vendor and are typically the catalog product line names as defined in the vendors electronic catalog files used by specification tools.
Products & Services Tab
The image above shows a list of Products and Services. To view and or edit any of these entries, simply, click on the entry in the list.
The example below shows the details for the Delivery product.
Edit Product or Service Fields | Description |
Product/Service Name or Description * | The name or description entered here will be displayed on proposals and invoices for each line item but it can be hidden with print options. This data describes the type of the line item (General Sales, New Product, Design, Installation Services, etc). |
Active? | By default, new Products & Services are active. Any product or Service that is not active cannot be used on proposal line items. If you no longer wish to use a specific product or service you can uncheck this box or if you are creating a new product or service and if you are not ready for it to be put into use, uncheck this box. When you are ready to put the product or service into use, check this box. |
Catalog Code | Enter the 3 character catalog exactly as it appears in the vendors electronic specification catalogs. The catalog code code entered here is compared to the data contained in SIF or XML files that are imported to create proposal line items. If the catalog code in the SIF or XML file matches a catalog code found in the Products database, DealerChoice can immediately identify the associated vendor, the income and expense account used by this product, the tax rules applied to this product and can even be used for determining product discounting. |
Cut Separate Purchase Order? | This control allows you to force any line items on your proposals using this product to be placed on their own purchase order. No other product will be on the purchase order with this product type. If left unchecked, this product will not be forced onto its own purchase order. |
Income Account* | Select the income account account to use to track the sales of this product. |
Expense Account* | Select the expense account to use to track the costs of this product. |
Taxable? | If the product or service is taxable, meaning that you must collect sales tax for this product or service, check the Taxable check box. When you check the Taxable check box, a list of all the tax rules that you have created on the Company & Settings tab will be displayed allowing you to select where you must collect sales tax on this product. Select all the taxable entities that require you to report sales of this product or service. |
Sub Total? | Select this check box to make this field available as a sub total field on proposals and customer invoices as a Proposal and Customer invoice Print Option. Products and Services must be set as a Sub Total field in System Configuration before they will appear on Proposals or Customer Invoices as sub totals. After setting Products and/or Services as a Sub Total field here, they may be selected to be displayed on your Proposals and Customer Invoices as sub totals at the bottom of these documents. In the General Print Fields section of the Proposal and Customer Invoice Print Options window, a field called Display Sub Totals must be selected (turned on) to allow the Products and Services set as Sub Total fields here, to display as sub totals. When sub totals are printed, the line items on your proposal that are associated with this Product/Service will be sub totaled at the bottom of the document. |
Sub Total Title: | Enter the text that you want to display on Proposals and Customer Invoices as the sub total description. This title will appear to the left of the dollar amount for the products defined with this Product or Service when Sub Totals are selected to be displayed on Proposals and Customer Invoices. |
Save Product button | Click on the Save Product button to save your changes. |
All Products and Services created in this tab that are Active will be available as a selection option in all of your proposals line items in the Products & Services input box. You can always use a product or service on any proposal if it exists in your System Configuration Products & Services tab. The only time you can use Products and Services defined for specific vendors is if that vendor (not your dealership) is selected as the vendor for the line item. Once a vendor has been selected on a proposal line item, any Products & Services defined for that vendor will also be available.
- Products & Services
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